Clone Yourself Software: Enabling Business Owners To Free Themselves From Employee Management Headaches!
Have You Ever Wished You Could 
Clone Yourself?

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  • Gets Your Team Doing The Right Thing
  • The Right Way
  • At The Right Time
  • ​Every Time
  • ​Without you having to Micro-Manage Them!
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"Have you ever felt handcuffed as an entrepreneur...
Do Your Team Members Ever Drive You Crazy?
From: Seth Greene
Subject: Calling All Entrepreneurs!

Have you ever felt handcuffed as an entrepreneur?

You started your business because you wanted to do a great job serving your customers, clients, or patients, right?

But then it got bigger than just you could handle.

So you hired your first employee. And they did what you told them (hopefully), and things were working out great.

So, you took on more business, until they were maxed out as well.  So you hired another team member.

And you kept repeating the process.  Until it got too big for you to be able to just tell them what to do, when you actually remembered to tell them.

After all, you got into business because you are great at what you do.  Being a butcher, baker, or candlestick maker.

But when you learned how to be a candlestick maker, you learned about the craft of creating candlesticks.  You didn't learn anything about growing or managing a candlestick business, am I right?

So the more candlesticks you sell, the bigger your business gets, the more people you hire, the messier it all gets, right?
It's Enough To Drive a Business Owner Crazy!!!
So what happens next?

At some point the pain becomes too much, and you stop paying as much attention to the candlesticks, and you start trying to learn how to manage a growing candlestick empire.

Sound familiar?

Except  when you type Business Management into Amazon you get back over 500,000 books.

A Google search of business management software comes back with 4,990,000 results.

Team management software has 5,110,000 results.

What's a frustrated Business Owner to do?

You Could Try These Solutions:

Post It Notes
-They get lost.
Excel Sheets
-Not real time.
Google Docs
-You don't get notified of changes.
-No deadlines or accountability.
-Doesn't work well on projects when their are a lot of steps.
Or you could CLONE YOURSELF!

No, not like Michael Keaton where each clone gets dumber.

What if you could get your employees to do things the way YOU would do them, at the right time, for the right customer, every time, without you having to micro-manage them?

That's what CLONE YOURSELF software does.

Click one of the buttons below to see how Clone Yourself works, or get started with your 21 Day Free Trial and Clone Yourself Now!

It only hurts the first time.....just kidding (or maybe I'm not).